How One Hospital Transitioned Their Hospitalist Program to IHP
The hospital was unable to employ their own physicians and was currently using a large conglomerate to manage the program.
The adjusted CMI was far lower than the market average, the length of stay was a day over what it should have been, and the hospital was losing out on Medicare reimbursements based on readmission rates.
Issues Faced:
The adjusted CMI was far lower than the market average.
The length of stay was a day over what it should have been.
The hospital was losing out on Medicare reimbursements based on readmission rates.
How IHP Addressed These Issues:
IHP began to develop processes and procedures for the program.
Everything from ER throughput to discharge strategies, from documentation to shift times and physician schedules, were addressed.
Case Studies
Providing Interim Coverage at a Community Hospital
Transitioned from a National Management Company to IHP at a 200-Bed Community Hospital.
The hospital had challenges with their contracted hospital medicine service provider. The goals of the hospital and the national hospitalist group were not aligned and as a result they turned to IHP.
Issues IHP Addressed:
Lack of Accountability & Local Leadership
Lack of Physician Continuity & Collaboration
High & Ever-Increasing Costs